Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Xmas Prayer

I won't give up on my faith no matter how disapointing some of people claiming your followers are. They are always talking big about You and possess huge amount of knowledge of You, unimaginably deeper than the little I have. They go to church on regular basis, but little they do to transfer the truth of love they are exposed with into real actions. Lord, forgive me, I could be one of them. 

I can't resist to adore You. Thousands of generation of people have disapointed You, but you stay true to Your promise to be with us forever. That's more than what we can deserve. We are weak, vulnarable, fragile, and insecure.

Lord, You are also the perfect model of consistence and patience. These are what the world need amid the conflicting interests of each of us.

God. I am not doing churching. Some of your followers might judge me. Thankfully, I don't even care about that.

Remember God, I don't hate Your church and people, Throughout histories it's born witness to Your presence and has been becoming the well for the thirst. I am now in the need of being more intimate with you. Eyes to eyes. Heart to heart. A private relationship with you where nobody can get into.

In this very moment commemorating the promise that had been fulfilled, the subtle and the humble presence of the maker of universe, I pray. Amen.

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