Monday 20 September 2010

When siblings talk about love

Joe & Foe are brothers who share each others’ secrets, but they always have different views about love.

JOE LOVE THINKER : What’s love?
FOE LIFE THINKER   : A human feeling of needing and understanding others
JOE LOVE THINKER : Which comes first: Love or Food?
FOE LIFE THINKER   : Love! It has nothing to do with food.
JOE LOVE THINKER : Why’s that so?
FOE LIFE THINKER   : Because we’re made and born based on that and of that. Ask Dom and Dad!
JOE LOVE THINKER : Why people can not genuinely love others?
FOE LIFE THINKER : Are you asking why there are hatred and pretention out there? Well, people confuse love with jealousy.
JOE LOVE THINKER : How so? That’s too abstract for me.
FOE LIFE THINKER   : Anyway, what makes you think I can answer such difficult question?
JOE LOVE THINKER : I don’t know. Perhaps I trust you more than you have ever imagined!
FOE LIFE THINKER  : Thanks, but it burdens me instead! What the heck is happening to you that you  bother thinking about love?
JOE LOVE THINKER : I don’t know. I feel like it’s always here in my head.
FOE LIFE THINKER  : You might need a lover; for a sexual partner, a kid guardian, and be your faithful companion for the rest of your life!
JOE LOVE THINKER : Not really. Aren’t all what come into your mind as we’re discussing about love?
FOE LIFE THINKER  : Yeah. I think so.
JOE LOVE THINKER : Then what about yours. Do you have different sort of ideas about love?
FOE LIFE THINKER  : Well perhaps, it’s kind of chemical reaction that creates a sense of belonging. I think, it’s broader than your definition of love.
JOE LOVE THINKER : Well, I think you get everything clearer by now.
FOE LIFE THINKER  : I was thinking so. But I found out later that my mind and heart have two different ways of life. They both interact differently as you use them. I mean the heart is a non-sense for the mind.
JOE LOVE THINKER  : That does not make any sense.
FOE LIFE THINKER : All of us are non-sense.
JOE LOVE THINKER : If you think you are one of them, then yes you are. 
FOE LIFE THINKER  : Do you use your mind to love?
JOE LOVE THINKER : Are you accusing me for using mind to love?
FOE LIFE THINKER  : No! That’s not my point. Why are you so cranky? Are you having a bad day?
JOE LOVE THINKER : Well. Mr. know-it-all, I am not. You are getting over –sensitive now.
FOE LIFE THINKER  : That’s not funny.
JOE LOVE THINKER : I tell you the truth not a joke.
FOE LIFE THINKER  : Well, thank you Mr. truth-teller. I guess I am too stupid to know the truth.

to be continued...


Anonymous said...

Hey, watcha mean with TO BE CONTINUED??? Come on!! I'm voting for Foe the Life Thinker. Sorry, Joe Love Thinker really exclude logic for me, hahaha. Which one is you?

tulis.tulis said...

It's a serial. :D

Anonymous said...

Right. A serial. (~_~')