Monday 15 August 2011

Weekly Journal #3: Oh my God!

'I am not water, but clay.'

I was feeling rather dry and frustrated on the day I posted the facebook status. I didn't feel I perfectly fit to my new workplace at that time. I would need extra time to get to know my surroundings. I am not that flexible, the type of person who can adjust to things around quickly.

I am more of clay. Good processes and time are at my heart. Time will allow me to shape, burn, paint, and one more time dry in order to get quality porcelain. Oftentimes I need to go back and forth to make sure I am on the track. However, once settled, dried, and firm, people can count on me. I can be reliable and trustworthy.

Speaking of the fourth week as a teacher, I begin to find problems. When it has come to making plans reality, I get some troubles. I tend to follow students' mood to learn. When things get harder and demanding, I compromise.

“Let's have free time,' I told them after a test.

Some would say that I have been too nice to them. Perhaps, yes, I have been nice, regardless of the times I showed my disappointments to students verbally.

To tell you the truth, I want my students to be good and if possible be the best they can. However, I feel it is important they have a strong trust in me, that I will and can help them.

“I am not here not to make things look more difficult, but to make them easier,” I once told my students. It stays in my mind during the entire process of learning in the class. I want my presence useful, so they can take out something of me.

On another occasion, I provided my students recording and its transcript. I expected them to compare what they read and listen. I didn't offer them opportunities to ask questions on purpose. I was eager to know how far they can initiate questions. In the end, I was left with no questions. No initiatives. They are reluctant to ask, have no questions, or confused with the objective of my activity? I bet for the last.

However, when I come across some questions, for instance, how do I know if I am too nice? Should I compare myself to others' thought or standards? If so, how reliable are the standards? A good teacher, nice teacher, and pleasant teacher are no more than opinion. Opinion is subjective.

One thing for sure, a teacher is a learner him/herself. I'd better shift my focus from the right or wrong concept to such substantial issue as what to do to improve my quality as a professional teacher. Simply remember that I am clay, and I'll let the potter form me. So, here I am, the clay!

Wrap ups!
               Problems with understanding Instructions
                        Simpler Explanations
                                  Students been so sweet
                             Postponed salary
                                            Quite poor teachings
                                                                  Biggest test
                                  Time flies by
                                                 One thing at a time
                                     Catch a fever
                                                        Going to Mall more regularly

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